*Wolves In A Leap Year*
Agyemang, grandpa wrote you a letter
And it reads;
My grandson, sleep with one eye opened
This season brews plethora of humility
Even from the most arrogant of shoulders
But, only the blind will see through them
Yes, the blind
Blind to their greasing of palms with your own oil
Blind to their ingenuine promises of a new era
Blind to them hiding their daughters and risking the womb of yours
It also reads;
Agyemang, they are wolves
Wolves who have hijacked the gold your own father’s father’s fathers left for all
They have insulted the river gods and thrown the curses at you
Yes, innocent you
They’ll come with their teeth gnashing
But you shall only see smiles because you’re dazed!!
Hide your conscience when they come
Lest they steal it
The power isn’t in their aura
So seize their tricks and stop bowing!
The power is in your thumb
Yet, unfortunately, you have to trade this power
But with whom?
Remember the temerariousness of their egos whenever they have milk and honey
And remember, bows and arrows don’t kill those egos
Your thumb does…so pick your necessary evil well
[Agyemang: One who saves the land | #Krokromotipower | #ElectionYear]
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